Word of Smouth: Mike Kota

On a festive night celebrating the one year anniversary of the Green Room, Mike Kota ignited the party with an compelling set of songs. Starting off solo onstage, Mike’s unique sound in utilizing an effects processor to thicken her acoustic guitar, while adding grit to the voice, immediately stands out. There’s a soulful spirit to her voice that compliments the lyrics, and the opening song “My Love is Free” was the perfect combination.

Jumping next to “Rift”, the title track off her 2021 EP release, the ethereal vibe crept over the audience through the lines “In every death I've died, I have also risen. Heaven has gates and it's still a prison.” The full compliment of her band joined through the middle of the set. “Green Lights” becoming the center piece of the performance that had dynamic bouts of intensity, then a wave of release. Expertly played, the band adds another layer to the darker rock-influenced sound while providing moments of sheer smiles to everyone’s faces.

Finishing the set solo once again, Mike split the audience into three sections and engaged in an anthem based around harmonies and a message of love. Witnessing an artist pull together a crowd with intention and positivity is rare. It’s part of the charm and contagious nature of Mike’s appeal. That gift finds ways to connect to everyone in crowds, building an authentic bond with listeners. On a night that the Green Room celebrated community, Kota strengthened that message with her music.

As Yonder suggested in their Word of Smouth recommendation, the talent in lyricism and crafting songs around important discussions makes Kota a valuable artist in our community. As she continues to evolve in sound and songwriting, Mike Kota has an incredibly bright future and needed voice in an oftentimes male dominated scene.


Word of Smouth: Rosie


Word of Smouth: Yonder